Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Thoughts on Biblical Manhood

                    Truth Defines Godly Masculinity Where Culture Has Redefined

I am honored to have a brother-in-Christ in my life that is being a great blessing as God is sending him my way to equip me in maturity. After reading the book called "Stand up! A Guide To Biblical Manhood" has changed my perspective of what true masculinity is biblically. It's important to know that we are fallen creatures and culture has shaped us to the point where we can lose our mind when we are questioned in our behavior as a man we typically think of our self as. As I recall the verse "my people perish for the lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6A), I arrive at further comprehension of how easily we all think we have it down correctly! The truth is Jesus called us to humbly acknowledge our need for biblical understanding to thoroughly and accurately apply it in our lives, in this case a man's role in a relationship. The verse states "abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bare fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me (John 15:4). What we can learn from this is to abide in him through the Scripture. Scripture needs to be explained to us. We need creative ideas and thoughts from experienced men who can spark how we can apply it in certain cases as God speaks through them. A one verse from the Bible is like a concentration and it needs to be prepared well for our soul as a mother grabs hard food, cooks it, checks is, and feeds the baby tiny bit little by little.

The reason why I am emphasizing on this is because we really need books from Godly men to challenge us and we are really blind sinners in need of grace. As God is preparing me for my marriage, I know in my heart that I have given all my might and so has my fiancé for our relationship's sake. This book in particular has taught me well enough how to effectively use the tools I am gifted in and to better know my role. We all have read and heard about men from the bible but we also need to examine their lives closely too. As the darkness and the corruption in culture is dawning down on us, it's common to see families aggressively yet internally fighting over who can be the best of the best instead of being your best. Men nowadays are commonly seen to be "tired, stressed, chasing idols of success, spiritually weak, committed to values but not Christ, unaccountable, lacking integrity and preoccupied (pg.107)." Men have the capability to do much in life but they are struggling to comprehend and to actually live what they are created for (pg. 3). The golden figure of Christian life is that a man cannot be a man if he is not a man of God. As I have observed from this book, true masculinity is having a strong grip in being a man who has a heart after God's heart and does the will of God. This makes us a real man. I don't mean to say this as one of those who ought to live like bums and leave their family to go preach. Yes, I do submit to having a stable job, pursuing your education, cherishing your family and friends, being organized, being clean, taking care of your body and conduct, dressing up, etc. However, the true and simple question would be does God really reflect in my life and in all I do?

I really admire going through the layout of the life of men from Adam to Jesus and so forth. I noticed quick glimpses in the life of Job with integrity, Solomon who was the wisest who ever lived yet sexual sin brought him to shame. I have also noticed the life of apostle Paul whose life we can look up to as one who had a past yet used his past as energy to help him move forward. The book encourages single men to grow in God, learn leadership, achieve wisdom in life, and do the hard and dirty job in the house while organizing their life. It also covers aspects for a pastor's position and how they ought to know their noble role. One of my favorite subject was marriage and creativity used to show masculinity in marriage. It really made me smile as it encourages to not bringing negative energy from work so it doesn't ruin others day as hard as it maybe. We need to first take it to the Lord, and even if we want to share it with our loved one's we need to do it with showing what God could be doing and honoring Him in everything. True masculinity is not in getting angry or frustrated but it's rather in absorbing it all and standing strong like iron. So often culture and evil desire causes us to express how hurt we are on unappreciated but don't forget that God told us to leave all that for Him. Even when things seem unfair we ought to still say, "Well, I love you, don't want to argue with you, I value my relationship, and have no desire to spark big fire." I can imagine that the devil is aggressive like a psychopath with a sword, blood dripping out of its mouth waiting to devour your marriage. Believe t nor not, marriage means a lot to God. It either offends Him or gives glory to Him how it's lived out. It displays His precious Son's love to His bride, the church. The devil is clever enough to know the tactics and strategies on how we can systematically offend God. He comes after the weak, the passionate, the one in whose marriage he sees weakness or whether they are a strong couple in the Lord. He is after you...

This is why it's so important to know the real battle we are in, our purpose in life and how God shows that we can easily get carried away far from the true purpose of life. It is my prayer to love my future wife for the glory of God as I have my personal affection that I am attracted to her Godliness and her look out of a clean heart. The book melted me with the creative ideas of having a once a month special date, planning quarterly events, yearly plans, small deeds that we can do where we can show obedience to the Scripture. Last Sunday, I was eager to take my fiancé out on a special date where I wore my suit and she wore her dress. I wanted to really bless her and take the burden of life's stress away from her for a single day at least. People even randomly complimented. What a great way to show love of Christ. As I am learning more, as men we need to think masculinity in not being rough or cold and only providing but we need to show masculinity in empowering our ego to do things such as brining flower to your loved one's work at times or at home. Surprising her once in a while. If you are married, maybe you guys can go together in a place that is relaxing and find a cozy cabin to be away from work and stress. It's also good to help in cleaning, cooking together as couples once in a while. I hope that you can find ways to also get creative yourself and it doesn't actually need to leave a big dent in your wallet except once in a while maybe. As I was in the midway reading the book, I really thought of this idea to get hot chocolate, hummus and few other things. I set up a table, dimmed the light, had candles and made the place cozy. My family members saw and they really could see the love of Christ in our life displayed. This didn't cost much but it made a hug difference positively. Importantly, it was important for me to humbly get a pen and paper to ask my dear fiancé in the areas I need to improve and humble myself. I only mean to say all this to the glory of God and share what God is doing in my life. 

                                                                 Work Cited

"A Guide to Biblical Manhood Paperback – Mar 29 2011." A Guide to Biblical Manhood: Randy Stinson, Dan Dumas: 9780615469423: Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.

"BibleGateway." English Standard Version (ESV). N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.

Defines Godly Masculinity Where Culture Has Redefined

I am honored to have a brother-in-Christ in my life that is being a great blessing as God is sending him my way to equip me in maturity. After reading the book called "Stand up! A Guide To Biblical Manhood" has changed my perspective of what true masculinity is biblically. It's important to know that we are fallen creatures and culture has shaped us to the point where we can lose our mind when we are questioned in our behavior as a man we typically think of our self as. As I recall the verse "my people perish for the lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6A), I arrive at further comprehension of how easily we all think we have it down correctly! The truth is Jesus called us to humbly acknowledge our need for biblical understanding to thoroughly and accurately apply it in our lives, in this case a man's role in a relationship. The verse states "abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bare fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me (John 15:4). What we can learn from this is to abide in him through the Scripture. Scripture needs to be explained to us. We need creative ideas and thoughts from experienced men who can spark how we can apply it in certain cases as God speaks through them. A one verse from the Bible is like a concentration and it needs to be prepared well for our soul as a mother grabs hard food, cooks it, checks is, and feeds the baby tiny bit little by little.

The reason why I am emphasizing on this is because we really need books from Godly men to challenge us and we are really blind sinners in need of grace. As God is preparing me for my marriage, I know in my heart that I have given all my might and so has my fiancé for our relationship's sake. This book in particular has taught me well enough how to effectively use the tools I am gifted in and to better know my role. We all have read and heard about men from the bible but we also need to examine their lives closely too. As the darkness and the corruption in culture is dawning down on us, it's common to see families aggressively yet internally fighting over who can be the best of the best instead of being your best. Men nowadays are commonly seen to be "tired, stressed, chasing idols of success, spiritually weak, committed to values but not Christ, unaccountable, lacking integrity and preoccupied (pg.107)." Men have the capability to do much in life but they are struggling to comprehend and to actually live what they are created for (pg. 3). The golden figure of Christian life is that a man cannot be a man if he is not a man of God. As I have observed from this book, true masculinity is having a strong grip in being a man who has a heart after God's heart and does the will of God. This makes us a real man. I don't mean to say this as one of those who ought to live like bums and leave their family to go preach. Yes, I do submit to having a stable job, pursuing your education, cherishing your family and friends, being organized, being clean, taking care of your body and conduct, dressing up, etc. However, the true and simple question would be does God really reflect in my life and in all I do?

I really admire going through the layout of the life of men from Adam to Jesus and so forth. I noticed quick glimpses in the life of Job with integrity, Solomon who was the wisest who ever lived yet sexual sin brought him to shame. I have also noticed the life of apostle Paul whose life we can look up to as one who had a past yet used his past as energy to help him move forward. The book encourages single men to grow in God, learn leadership, achieve wisdom in life, and do the hard and dirty job in the house while organizing their life. It also covers aspects for a pastor's position and how they ought to know their noble role. One of my favorite subject was marriage and creativity used to show masculinity in marriage. It really made me smile as it encourages to not bringing negative energy from work so it doesn't ruin others day as hard as it maybe. We need to first take it to the Lord, and even if we want to share it with our loved one's we need to do it with showing what God could be doing and honoring Him in everything. True masculinity is not in getting angry or frustrated but it's rather in absorbing it all and standing strong like iron. So often culture and evil desire causes us to express how hurt we are on unappreciated but don't forget that God told us to leave all that for Him. Even when things seem unfair we ought to still say, "Well, I love you, don't want to argue with you, I value my relationship, and have no desire to spark big fire." I can imagine that the devil is aggressive like a psychopath with a sword, blood dripping out of its mouth waiting to devour your marriage. Believe t nor not, marriage means a lot to God. It either offends Him or gives glory to Him how it's lived out. It displays His precious Son's love to His bride, the church. The devil is clever enough to know the tactics and strategies on how we can systematically offend God. He comes after the weak, the passionate, the one in whose marriage he sees weakness or whether they are a strong couple in the Lord. He is after you...

This is why it's so important to know the real battle we are in, our purpose in life and how God shows that we can easily get carried away far from the true purpose of life. It is my prayer to love my future wife for the glory of God as I have my personal affection that I am attracted to her Godliness and her look out of a clean heart. The book melted me with the creative ideas of having a once a month special date, planning quarterly events, yearly plans, small deeds that we can do where we can show obedience to the Scripture. Last Sunday, I was eager to take my fiancé out on a special date where I wore my suit and she wore her dress. I wanted to really bless her and take the burden of life's stress away from her for a single day at least. People even randomly complimented. What a great way to show love of Christ. As I am learning more, as men we need to think masculinity in not being rough or cold and only providing but we need to show masculinity in empowering our ego to do things such as brining flower to your loved one's work at times or at home. Surprising her once in a while. If you are married, maybe you guys can go together in a place that is relaxing and find a cozy cabin to be away from work and stress. It's also good to help in cleaning, cooking together as couples once in a while. I hope that you can find ways to also get creative yourself and it doesn't actually need to leave a big dent in your wallet except once in a while maybe. As I was in the midway reading the book, I really thought of this idea to get hot chocolate, hummus and few other things. I set up a table, dimmed the light, had candles and made the place cozy. My family members saw and they really could see the love of Christ in our life displayed. This didn't cost much but it made a hug difference positively. Importantly, it was important for me to humbly get a pen and paper to ask my dear fiancé in the areas I need to improve and humble myself. I only mean to say all this to the glory of God and share what God is doing in my life. 

                                                                 Work Cited

"A Guide to Biblical Manhood Paperback – Mar 29 2011." A Guide to Biblical Manhood: Randy Stinson, Dan Dumas: 9780615469423: Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.

"BibleGateway." English Standard Version (ESV). N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.

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